Photo #2 Is called Put-together With Half Squares and Bars and was made in 1996. It has velvet, velveteen, velour, faux fur and panne velvet.
Photo#3- Put-together,2003. Here again she used velvet, velveteen, velour, panne velvet as well as foil lame, polyester and double-knit. You will notice a small patch with an oval - this is a moleskin patch with beads, sequins and perle cotton yarn.
Photo #4 - Rosie's chair covers and jumper. The last photo is a close up of the jumper. The chair covers were embroidered and appliqued using silk, polyester, wool, velour and linen-blend neckties. They are dated 2002. The jumper is made from silk and polyester neck ties, poly double-knit and has mother-of-pearl buttons. You'll notice once again it is appliqued with religious symbols!
The following photos (are you all tired yet?) are of her Half-square pieces:
The piece above was made in 1986 and is called Half-squares Medallion. There is a theme in Rosie's fabrics- again it uses velvet, velveteen, velour and panne velvet. This one has faux fur added!
This (above) piece looks as if it shimmers, but in reality it is just the way the fabrics photographed. It is called, simply, Half-Squares and Four Patches. Dated 1986 it used novelty lame, brocade, polyester double-knit, metallic yarn knits (the bit of sparkle) and was backed with a lame knit and brocade.
Below is one of Rosie's jewerly hangings. These were done in the late 1990's and she would use wool flannel and add beads, rhinstones, and other "jewels". There would be wool, silk, velvets, cotton laces and yarns.
I hope you might be as intriqued with these works as I was. A very interesting exhibit, indeed.
The other exhibit at Shelburne was of comtempory Vermont artists. It was very nice and some of the quilts had hung at the Vermont Quilt Festival in years past. I also took some time to go thru the permanent collection that is on display. One day I'd love to take the conservation tour and see the fragile quilts that are not on public display. Now wouldn't that be wonderful!
Should I be able to get back on the computer later today I will give you a look at the antique quilts and the doll and crib quilts at the show. They were marvelous!! There was also a very moving exhibit of the Alzheimer quilt project entitled Alzheimer's Forgetting Piece by Piece. Ami Simms was the Curator, and you can see some of the quilts and get more information at her website. Having a step-father that suffered from this disease made the experience very touching and emotionally moving. Hard not to cry when you read the stories that accompany the quilts...the stories couldn't help by affect everyone who stood within this exhibit.