Mar 1, 2012

March Project is Decided

Over at the Kathleen Tracy yahoo group there is a monthly challenge to make a small quilt. I have basically jumped on board, but don't always make the chosen monthly project. Last month you'll remember I opted to make the alternate February quilt.

Well, the decision is in and on the blog today the challenge for March is Civil War Baskets! This little quilt is from the book Remembering Adelia, one of my favorites by Ms. Tracy. I have them all, but this one just really makes me happy. Better yet, the baskets are one of the quilts from the book I did NOT make yet! Even better yet, my friend Mary Ellen gifted me with a lovely packet of 25 beautiful fabric squares that I think I can use to make these little baskets (keeping my fingers crossed), not that my stash is without choices mind you!

I am so pleased. Time to get work for the day is done and I have a few hours of me time. Let the basket making begin!!

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